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Services & Facilities

Aspen Park Metropolitan District provides water and sewer services to customers located within the District. Included within the District is the Village at Conifer - Aspen Park, a commercial center located along Highway 285 in southwestern Jefferson County. Facilities include wells, a water treatment facility, storage tank, fire storage tank, potable water distribution system, fire water distribution system, wastewater collection system, wastewater treatment facility, exfiltration gallery, pipelines and stormwater detention pond. 

Water Storage Tanks & Generator

Water Storage


Aspen Park Metropolitan District provides water service for domestic use and fire protection. Water is supplied from three wells that draw from the local aquifer. Water for domestic use is disinfected and stored in a potable water storage tank. Water for fire protection is stored in a separate fire storage tank. Potable water and water for fire protection are distributed throughout the District in separate distribution systems. 



Wastewater is collected and treated in a state-of-the-art wastewater treatment facility. Wastewater treatment includes primary, secondary and tertiary processes. Tertiary treatment is provided by a membrane treatment process that consistently produces extremely high quality effluent. Treated wastewater is discharged to an exfiltration gallery to promote recharge of the local groundwater system. The District is the designated wastewater provider for the South Turkey Creek Basin.

Wastewater Headworks Building
Stormwater Detention Pond



Stormwater generated within the District is collected and routed to a detention pond. The detention pond provides for controlled release of a 100 year storm event. The detention pond also includes water quality features to improve storm water quality prior to discharge to South Turkey Creek Basin.



The District maintains certain access drives located inside the District. Services include street sweeping, snow removal and pavement maintenance.

Open Space


Certain parcels within the District are designated as open space, and are maintained by the District. Maintenance generally includes mowing, weed control, and landscape maintenance.

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